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Our Projects

Projects that MRAAI has Successfully Run

Not every one of our projects gets out into the community, but we are sure proud of the ones that do. We are fortunate to have some Big Thinkers and Big Idea people in our members as well as some administration monkeys which means we shoot for the stars!


If you want to get involved Get in Touch!


Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize 2025

Queerthenic is a Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize that reveals authentic stories from regional LGBTQIA+ artists; from the mundane to our fabulous culture, or the influence of queer history on the past, present, and future. 


Over $2,000 in Prizes to be won!

Submit an application to be part of the exhibition via our website by April 20th  11 2024 and join us in a day of celebrating the winners and Pride in the Macedon Ranges on Saturday, February 3rd 2024 from 1pm.

the word Queerthentic with a contemporary pride flag colour gradient shadowing the Q and a grey drop shadow on the rest of the word


Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize 2024

Queerthenic is a Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize that reveals authentic stories from regional LGBTQIA+ artists; from the mundane to our fabulous culture, or the influence of queer history on the past, present, and future. Over $2,000 in Prizes to be won!

Submit an application to be part of the exhibition via our website by January 11 2024 and join us in a day of celebrating the winners and Pride in the Macedon Ranges on Saturday, February 3rd 2024 from 1pm.

Closing the Partition

Stronger Communities Program

Purchase of portable, modern room dividers that can be used in and around Kyneton and to display additional artwork during exhibitions and events, and to make community awareness displays.


These will be used by us as well as other local arts organisations including the Kyneton Daffodil & Arts Festival Inc and Buttlejorrk Inc. as well as on request.


That's So Gay

Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize 2023

That's So Gay; from insult to strength! An open art prize exhibition in Kyneton celebrating the richness of the queer community’s contribution to society. Proudly part of Victoria's Pride, a partnership between the Victorian Government and Midsumma


That’s So Gay! flips the script to proudly claim everything that's "gay". Through art we are owning the LGBTIQA+ history, culture, achievements and the richness that is the queer lived experience, by highlighting the extraordinary and enduring contributions LGBTIQA+ people have made and continue to make in our society.

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Est. 2022

Kyneton, Victoria

©2023 by Macedon Ranges Accessible Arts Inc.

Incorporation Registration Number - A0115673Y 

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